
SGL Multi speciality Charitable Hospital Jalandhar are fitted with state-of-the-art equipment’s. Health care system is no longer a simple process of examining the patient and giving him/her a prescription Over the years there has been a rapid expansion in the various branches of health care services due to the rapid explosion of scientific medical knowledge. In this process the role of laboratory in helping the clinician to make an accurate diagnosis has gained tremendous importance in bridging the gap between the patient’s Diagnosis and his treatment. Up gradation of knowledge is required to understand clinical laboratory sciences today, and clinical chemistry continuous to be one of the most rapidly advancing areas of laboratory medicine, with many new tests, methodologies and measuring system being introduced with each passing year.
To ensure this, departments is equipped with the state of art auto analysers Machines, Procedures have been developed and streamlined to provide accurate report.
The laboratory is performing tests relating to several laboratory disciplines, such as clinical biochemistry, hormone study, clinical pathology, microbiology, serology, histopathology, hematology, immunology blood
MICROBIOLOGY DEPARTMENT is also equipped with th modern equipment which undertakes bacterial cultures, bacterial identification and antibiotic senstivity tests.
BLOOD BANK DEPARTMENT is equipped with state of theart equipment and has valid licence to provide blood transfusion services. The department has Whole Blood, PRBC, Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) Platelet concentrate and Apharesis machine to provide Single Donar Platelets (SDP)
Blood and Blood products are issued after grouping and cross matching of blood and blood products and screening for five diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitas C, Malaria and Syphilis.