Dr. Gurpreet Kaur


This is a speciality which deals with ear, nose and throat diseases, which includes most of the head and neck ailments. The department has state of art the diagnostic and therapeutic equipments.

Excellence is demonstrated daily through center's sophisticated use of flexible and rigid endoscopes, newly developed video camera system and fine binocular microscopes. With the help of world class equipment available in our out patient department several procedures like endoscopic cauterization in epistaxis patient and biopsies of certain nose and throat lesions could be performed . More cases of foreign bodies in this region can be removed with ease.

Clinical objectives are attained through close collaboration with the specialities of neurosurgery, maxillofacial Surgery, pulmonology, radiology.

Surgeries :

In addition to routine surgeries of EAR, Nose & Throat, Head & Neck. Following surgeries are being performed:

» Facio-maxillary Trauma
» Reconstructive middle ear surgery
» Septoplasty and septorhinoplasty
» Functional endoscopic sinus surgery
» Thyroidectomy
» Salivary gland Surgery
» Any Other Swelling of Neck and oral cavity